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DiabeticTea 20 bags

DiabeticTea 20 bags
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Diabetic Tea is a gentle preparation of Herbal tea, evolved from blending the medicinal goodness of Gymnema Sylvestre herb and Camellia Sinensis.

It is found that Camellia Sinesis provides synergy to the benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre. Tea prepared from the herb is considered to be theDiabetic Tea best form as it has an effect in the mouth to reduce sugar craving as well in the intestine to reduce absorption of sugar.

Diabetic Tea has Gymnema Sylvestre has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years. The primary application was for adult-onset diabetes (NIDDM), a condition for which it continues to be recommended today in India.

Diabetic Tea is an excellent health beverage, that is beneficial to all and offers the following benefits:

  1. Diabetic Tea has Camellia Sinensis which is found to provide synergy to the benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre.
  2. Diabetic Tea reduces blood sugar, balances insulin levels and reduces sugar cravings.
  3. Diabetic Tea lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Diabetic Tea promotes weight loss.
  5. Diabetic Tea helps prevent stomach ailments and constipation.
  6. Diabetic Tea helps prevent water retention and liver disease.
  7. Diabetic Tea improves functioning of the pancreas.

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